I debated how to start this site and what message I wanted to convey right from the start. It can be hard to put into words when something so critical to survival is also a passion that elevates itself to art. I often find myself in a battle between the desire to be in the kitchen and the need to just make it through the day. It has taken me a long time to come to the realization that it's OK to feel this dichotomy and to celebrate when I get the time to bring awareness and passion to the preparation of my next meal. As a home cook, this is a luxury that I am incredibly thankful for.
As you can tell from the title, this site is primarily focused on home cooking. I'm particularly interested in how home cooking is expressed around the world, using my kitchen as a gateway to other cultures. I may not be able to physically teleport myself to another country, but I can bring that country to me. I can experience the years of history, of cultural change, and love that has gone into every grandparent and parent passing down recipes from generation to generation. I can explore the flavors that scream Japan, or Spain, or the deep American South. I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, but I'm from the South. Nothing brings me back to my childhood more than biscuits and sausage gravy, grits, or greens and black-eyed peas at New Years. Tastes and smells are intrinsically linked to our memories, our sense of place, and our identity.
My hope is that through the medium of longer form writing, I can take the time to explore the ingredients and the techniques that make each dish and each cuisine special. I hope to increase my knowledge of food as well as deepen my ability to make a worthy version of the dishes I prepare.
While this site is primarily about home cooking, it is not intended to be a recipe site. There are more than enough of those out there already. Think of this more as food writing, where there will be a recipe here and there. It also isn't only about home cooking. I LOVE food. Amazing and creative chefs push the boundaries of flavor and ingredients and there is great pleasure to be taken in a wonderful, professionally prepared meal. I celebrate all that food is and I hope I can help spark that passion in others.
I look forward to learning, and eating, with all of you who join me here.